References & Links
History of Isola Bella & Camp Isola Bella

History of Isola Bella & Camp Isola Bella


Twin Lakes Association Tower Restoring Campaign, The American Era, Summer 2014, pp. 31-32

The History of the Isola Bella 1964 – Present, Steve Borsotti

Four Squares & S’Mores: Does Life Get Any Better?, The American Era, Vol. 91 #2, Fall/Winter 2004, pp. 6-7

History of Twin Lakes and Isola Bella, Winfield McChord

Notable Graduates and Former Students

Notable Graduates and Former Students

Allen, Mary Mehitable
A Genealogy of Samuel Allen of Windsor, Connecticut: And Some of His Descendants, by Willard S. Allen, pp. 40

Anderson, Algot
Adapted from an article by Gordon W. Clarke published in the American Era, vol. XLIX, no.
4, January 1963




Atwood, Ralph and Mary (Perkins)

Historical and Biographical Souvenir of the Ohio School for the Deaf. Seventy years’ History of a notable seat of learning with personal recollections of its founders and early officials – 1898, p. 62-63

Fighting in the Shadows, Untold Stories of the Deaf in the Civil War, Harry Lang, p. 207

Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of America: Containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons who are Engaged in the Higher Pursuits of Life, edited by James E. Gallaher, Ralph H. Atwood, pp. 182-183

American Annals of the Deaf, edited by Edward Allen Fay, Volume XLVII, 1902, Miss Lois E. Atwood, pp. 212


Babbit, Henry
Proceedings of the World’s Congress of the Deaf and the Report of the Fourth Convention of the National Association of the Deaf” Chicago, Ill., July 18th, 20th and 22nd, 1893, p. 225-230

Babbit, Lewis
History of Trinity College by Frank Cole Babbitt, pp. 258-259

Trinity Reporter,” Volume 3, Number 3, December 1972, In Memory – Lewis Hall Babbitt, pp. 11

The American Era,” Vol. LIX, No. 3, January-February 1973, Lewis H. Babbitt by Frank J. Asklar, pp. 38

Backus, Levi
Deaf Heritage A Narrative History of Deaf America by Jack R. Gannon, Levi S. Backus, pp. 238-239






Bailey, Peter

Language, Culture, Communities: 200 Years of Impact by the American School for the Deaf, Peter L. Bailey, pp. 99

Deaf Life” magazine, edited by Matthew S. Moore, July 2016, Peter Bailey, pp. 12-15

Ball, Frank
The American Industrial Journal,” Volume IV, Number 5, December, 1909, Frank O. Ball, pp. 14.

Ball, Danforth
Historical and Biographical Souvenir of the Ohio School for the Deaf: Seventy Years’ History of a Notable Seat of Learning with Personal Recollections of its Founders and Early Officials – The Institution of the Present Day – Official, Educational and Industrial Departments, Domestic and Social Life. Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Representative Alumni, 1898, Columbus, Ohio, pp. 9 – 24


Ballard, Melville
Gallaudet, Edward Miner. “History of the College for the Deaf 1857-1907”. Gallaudet College Press, Washington, D.C. 1983. 57 and 62.

Deaf Heritage A Narrative History of Deaf America by Jack R. Gannon, col. 2, pp. 239.


Barnard, Albert



Barrett II, Charles
The Gallaudet Guide and Deaf Mute’s Companion, by William Martin Chamberlain, Charles Barrett, Esq., pp. 2

The Deaf Mutes Journal, December 3, 1908, pp.1, col. 1

Becker, Nancy

Betts, Wayne




Bierce, Mary
The Curtis Family: A record of Some of the Descendants of Deodatus Curtis of Braintree, Massachusetts, by Laura Guthrie (Curtis) Preston, 1943, Mary Curtis Bierce, pp. 54-55 and 66.

Bigelow, Frank
Deaf Mutes Journal, Volume XXL, September 1, 1892, Number 35, F. W. Bigelow, pp. 1-2.

Bird, William
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb”, Vol. 24, No. 2, (April, 1879) pp. 105-114, John C. Bull; Published by Gallaudet University Press; Stable URL: and Accessed: 07-04-2019 16:35 UTC.

Booth, Edmund
Edmund Booth Deaf Pioneer, by Harry G. Lang, The Early Years, pp. 1-13.




Fighting in the Shadows – Untold Stories of Deaf People in the Civil War, by Harry G. Lang, Edmund Booth, pp. 6-8, 9-11, 24, 31, 71-74.

Bouchard, Joseph

Brace, Julia
Julia Brace, Gary E. Wait, Dartmouth College Library Bulletin

The Imprisoned Guest – Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman, the Original Deaf-Blind Girl, pp. 69-72; 81; George H. Loring, pp. 84; 139 and140-141.

Brown, Thomas
History of the Town of Henniker, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, from the date of the Canada Grant by the Province of Massachusetts, in 1735, to 1880; with a Genealogical Register of the Families of Henniker by Leander Cogswell, Chapter VII, Town Paupers pp. 96-97; Chapter XVIII, Deaf Mutes, pp. 333-339; Chapter XIX, Deaf and Dumb Exhibition, pp. 374 Brown, pp. 471-475.


Brown, Thomas L.
Twenty-Ninth Biennial Report of the Board of Trustees of the Michigan School for the Deaf at Flint For the Years 1909-10, Thomas Lewis Brown, pp. 26-27.

Proceedings of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf held at the Wisconsin School for the Deaf, 1911, Necrology Notices: Thomas Lewis Brown, pp. 230.

Burgess, Megan
Language, Culture, Communities – 200 Years of Impact by the American School for the Deaf, Megan Burgess, pp. 99

YouTube: Chuck Baird by Megan Burgess Part 1 and Chuck Baird Part 2 by Megan Burgess 195th Anniversary, Athletic Hall of Fame/Excellence Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Program Book, American School for the Deaf, 2012

Chamberlain, Jr., William

The Silent Worker” March 1895, vol. 7, number 7 – William Martin Chamberlain, pp. 3.

Deaf Heritage A Narrative History of Deaf America by Jack R. Gannon, Chamberlain, col. 1, pp. 238 & 252.

Fighting in the Shadows – Untold Stories of Deaf People in the Civil War, by Harry G. Lang, William Martin Chamberlain, pp. 56-57


Chamberlayne, Hartwell
Fighting in the Shadows – Untold Stories of Deaf People in the Civil War, by Harry G. Lang, Hartwell M. Chamberlayne, pp. 4 and 43-44.



Crane, John
Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of America: containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons who are Engaged in the Higher Pursuits of Life edited by James E. Gallaher, Instructor in Chicago Public Schools for the Deaf pp. 25-27.

The Deaf Mute Journal edited by Walter Durian, pp. 4, John E. Crane, Col. 2.

Report of the Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf, American Instructors of the Deaf, Document No. 28, Washington Government Printing Office, 1926

David, John

DeMayo, Robert

Denison, James
The Silent Worker, December, 1917, Vol. 30 number 3, Col. 1 pp. 38.

History of the College for the Deaf 1857-1907, Edward Miner Gallaudet pp. 97, 191 and 199

Desmarais, Camille
The Deaf Episcopalian, Volume 86, No. 2, April/May 2011

Dillingham, Nancy
American Annals of the Deaf, Vol. 55, edited by Edward Allen Fay, 1910, Washington, D.C., p. 280

The Fifty-Ninth Annual Report of the Directors and Officers of the American Asylum at Hartford, for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, May 8th, 1875, p. 12 – 13

Draper, Amos
Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of America: Containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons who are Engaged in the Higher Pursuits of Life – Edited by James E. Gallaher, instructor in Chicago Public schools for the Deaf, pp. 33-36

Lineage Book – National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, by Elizabeth Bryant Johnston, Historian General, Volume 2, 1892, Luella Bartlett Bell Merrill, pp. 77-78.

Fighting in the Shadows – Untold Stories of Deaf People in the Civil War, by Harry G. Lang, A Ghost Writer, pp. 70-71



Eastman, Gilbert
A Biographical Dictionary Deaf Persons in the Arts and Sciences by Harry G. Land and Bonnie Meath-Lang, Gilbert C. Eastman, pp 103-105.

Deaf Heritage A Narrative History of Deaf America by Jack R. Gannon, col. 1, pp. 376


Edwards, Josephus
Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture Words Made Flesh, By R.A.R. Edwards, Deaf at Work, Josephus Edwards, pp. 117


Emerson, John
History of Penobscot County, Maine, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches, by Williams Chase, 1882, “Howland”, John Emerson, 2nd column, pp. 389 and Death of John Emerson, p. 605-606.

The Rhode Island Schoolmaster, Volume IV, May, 1858, No. 3, edited by William A. Mowry, Deaf and Dumb Institute, Hartford, CT by Joe, The Jerry Mute, pp. 74

American Annals of the Deaf, Volume 9, Vol. IX, 1857, “A Story Essay on Progression,” pp. 105-108.

Potter’s American Monthly an Illustrated Magazine of History, Literature, Science and Art, Vols. X and XI – 1878, John Emerson, pp. 476.

Erbe, Herman
Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture Words Made Flesh, by R.A.R. Edwards, Embracing Their Education, Herman Erbe, pp. 51, 83 & 85-87.

The Fifty-Fourth Annual Report of the Directors and Officers of the American Asylum at Hartford for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb, May 14, 1870, Compositions, H.E., pp. 45-46.

Fish Clark, Ruth

The American Era,” Number 6 & 7, Volume LVIII, March-April 1972, Ruth Clarke to Retire, pp. 62-63.

The American Era,” Volume 91, Number 2, Fall/Winter 2004, Ruth Clarke Wrote the Book on How to Get Things Done, written by Rick Green from copyright 2003, Hartford Courant Reprinted with permission, pp. 10 and 2

The American Era, Number 1, Volume 90, Summer/Fall 2003, In Memoriam Ruth Clarke, pp. 11.

Frisbee, Edwin
The Deaf Mutes Journal, Volume XXI, New York, Thursday, September 1, 1892, Number 35, Edwin W. Frisbee, 4 column, pp. 1.

A Missionary Chronicle, by Otto B. Berg, Two Notable Layreaders, pp. 133

Garcia Peterkin, Lillian
YouTube: “Ms. Lillian Garcia Peterkin is honored at LDHH symposium on March 5, 2016” and
“Self-advocate tips on communication access for hospital inpatients.”



Goldsmith, William


Greene, Samuel

Deaf Heritage In Canada – A Distinctive, Diverse, and Enduring Culture, by Clifton F. Carbin and edited byDorothy L. Smith, Chapter Four, The Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf, Samuel Thomas Greene, pp. 93, 95

Samuel Thomas Greene A Legend in the Nineteenth Century Deaf Community by Clifton F. Carbin,Chapter One Genealogy of a Legacy, pp. 23-37. Endnotes: “The Earliest Americans.” By Guilbert C. Braddock, In Notable Deaf Americans, pp. 59 – Philip Nelson of Rowley, MA and Isaac Kilbourne.

Gutfran, Philip
ASD American Era,” Number 4, Volume 75, May 1989 pp. 17

Heng, Lim Chin




Hiller, Charles
Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture Words Made Flesh, by R.A.R.
Edwards, Deafness in White and Black: Race at the Residential School, pp. 65-69.

Holmes, Charles
Gaillard in Deaf America A Portrait of the Deaf Community: Henri Gaillard” edited by Bob Buchanan,
pp. 174.

“The American Industrial Journal,” Vol. IV, Delaban, Wis., October, 1909, Number 4, Independent Papers for the Deaf as Business Ventures, “Parkard & Holmes,” pp. 1-3.

Homer, George
“My Wife and I – The story of Louise and Sidney Homer” by Sidney Homer, 1939 pp. 1-13.

Hotchkiss, Sr., John
Deaf Heritage A Narrative History of Deaf America by Jack R. Gannon, pp. 23.

Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of America: Containing Portraits
and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons who are Engaged in the Higher
Pursuits of Life – Edited by James E. Gallaher, instructor in Chicago Public schools f
for the Deaf, pp. 37.


Hill, Wells
Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of America: Containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons who are Engaged in the Higher Pursuits of Life. – Edited by James E. Gallaher, instructor in Chicago Public schools for the Deaf, pp. 98-100.

Deaf-Mutes Journal, January 11, 1923, col. 1 and 2, pp. 2.

Deaf-Mutes Journal, March 14, 1929, col. 2, pp. 2. And Col. 5, pp. 3.

The Ohio Chronicle – Published by and for the State School for the Deaf”from the “New Era” of the Old Hartford School – A Successful Deaf Editor and Publisher, Wells L. Hill Col. 1 and 2, front page.

Katz-Hernandez, Leah

Leah Katz-Hernandez


Kelly, Sean

American Era, 2020-2021 Annual Report, American School for the Deaf Publication, p. 25 – 27, 2021

Lapides, Michael
Gaillard in Deaf America – A portrait of the Deaf Community, 1917 edited by Bob Buchanan Gaillard French Delegates in 1917 pp. 21, 23 and 39.

The American Era November 1969, Michael Lapides, ASD Alumnus Dies: Was Active in Alumni Association by Gordon W. Clarke, pp. 22.

The Deaf Mutes Journal” June 7, 1917, Hartford, Col. 3, 4 & 5 pp. 2.

Lounsbury, Theodore
Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of America: Containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons who are Engaged in the Higher Pursuits of Life, edited by James E. Gallaher, Theo. I. Lounsbury, pp. 170-171.

Lindsay Denison, Elizabeth
Genealogical and Family History of the State of New Hampshire, compiled under the editorial supervision of Ezra S. Stearns; Assisted by William Whitcher and Edward E. Parker, Volume 1, 1908, James Denison, pp. 311-312.

The Diamond of Psi Upsilon, June, 1934, Volume 20, Issue 4, Lindsay Denison, Beta ’95, pp. 309

Lewis May, Florence
A Biographical Dictionary Deaf Persons in the Arts and Science, by Harry G. Lang and Bonnie Meath-Lang, Florence Lewis May, pp. 196, 247-249 and 251. Pages 19-20.

Lippincott, Almon


Deaf Heritage – A Narrative History of Deaf America by Jack R. Gannon, pp. 196, 199 and 201


Livingston, Robert

Representative Deaf Persons of the United States containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Educated Deaf Persons who are Engaged in Various Occupations – Second Edition, by James E. Gallaher, California, Robert D. Livingston and Miss Minnie May (Strickler) Livingston, pp. 27-28.

History of the Town of Antrim, New Hampshire: From its Earliest Settlement, To June 27, 1877, with a brief Genealogical Record of all the Antrim Families, by Rev. W. R. Cochrane, Genealogies, Livingston, pp. 576-577.

Mann, Chester
Representative Deaf Persons of the United States,” by James E. Gallaher, Second Edition, Chester Q. Mann, pp. 188-189

Marnock Brown, Anna Glover History – Providing for the Future, Remembering the Past, Anna M. Marnock (1870-1948) The story of a Glover girl who became deaf, pp. 4-15
American Era, Fall 2017, From the Archives… The Magic of Research Vermont Students Discover Century-Old Connection to ASD, Anna Marnock, pp. 23.

Moore, Henry Humphrey
The Deaf Mutes Journal, Edwin A. Hodgson, Editor – New York, January 7, 1926, Col. 2, Page 2.

Biographical Dictionary Deaf Persons in the Arts and Sciences by Harry G. Lang and Bonnie Meath-Lang, H. Humprey Moore, pp. 263-266.

Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of America containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons who are Engaged in the Higher Pursuits of Life, edited by James E. Gallaher, H. Humprey Moore, pp. 28.

Newcomb Fisher, Ellen

Norwood, Malcolm
A Biographical Dictionary Deaf Persons in the Arts and Sciences by Harry G. Lang and Bonnie Meath-Lang, Malcolm J. Norwood, pp. 281-282.


Website: An Interview With Dr. Malcolm J. Norwood:

Niblo, William





Palmento, Barbara

Panara, Robert
Teaching from the Heart and Soul – The Robert F. Panara Story by Harry G. Lang, pp. 4-38.

A Biographical Dictionary Deaf Persons in the Arts and Sciences by Harry G. Lang and Bonnie Meath-Lang, Robert F. Panara, pp. 287-290.

Parker, Charles

Parkinson, Joseph
Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of America: Containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons who are Engaged in the Higher Oursuits of Life – Edited by James E. Gallaher, instructor in Chicago Public schools for the Deaf, pp. 55.

Perkins (Atwood), Mary Ann
American Annals of the Deaf, edited by Edward Allen Fay, Volume XLVII, 1902, Miss Lois E. Atwood,
pp. 212.


Peugh Carruthers, Almira

Philip, Marie

Quinn, Elizabeth

Rarus, Tim

Z Leadership Team

Rockwell, Walter

Romano, Carl

Ronan, Joseph

Scovell, Franklin

Shaw, William
The Deaf Mute Journal May 1903, The Deaf-Mute Electrician by William Edward Shaw, pp. 132.

Popular Science Monthly, November 1924, “Talkless Phone” Invented by Deaf Mute, pp. 70.

Siedman, Lori

Smith, Amos, Jr.
The Manliest Man – Samuel G. Howe and The Contours of Nineteenth-Century American Reform,” By James W. Trent, Jr., Chapter Seven, War, Freedmen, and Crete, pp. 241-242.

Acts and Resolves by the General Court of Massachusetts in the Year 1841, published by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, 1841 – Chap. 45, pp. 422.

The R. I. Schoolmaster, A Small School for Deaf Mutes by Joe, The Jersey Mute, Volume Seven – 1861, pp. 359.

The American Industrial Journal, Vol. IV, Delavan, Wis., October 1909, Independent Papers for the Deaf as Business Ventures by James E. Gallaher, pp. 1-2.

Smith, Mary
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb,” Vol. 31, No. 3, July, 1886, Thomas Brown, pp. 204-210.

Spofford, Fisher

American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb, Vol. 22, No. 4, October 1877, Fisher Ames Spofford by Robert Patterson, pp. 215-219

Springs, Richard
The Association Review, Vol. VII, No. 1, February 1905, Historical Notes Concerning the teaching of Speech to the Deaf by Alexander Graham Bell, Richard C. Springs, pp. 58.

Smith Brown, Mary
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb,” Vol. 31, No. 3, July, 1886, Thomas Brown, pp. 204-210

Storrs, Sarah
American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb, edited by Edward Allen Fay, Vol. XXX, No. 2, April 1885, pp. 92-110.

American Era,” From the Archives: Sarah W. Storrs, Illuminating Graduate and Teacher, pp. 24.

Sullivan, James
American Era, Volume XLIV, May-June 1958, Number 8, edited by Loy E. Golladay and Gordon W. Clark, pp. seventy-nine.

Swetts, Persis
Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of American containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons who are Engaged in the Higher Pursuits of Life,” Edited by James E. Gallaher, pp. 94-95.

Thurmith, Charles
Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of America containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons who are Engaged in the Higher Pursuits of Life, edited James E. Gallaher, Charles W. Thumith, pp. 104

Tuck, Louis Calvin

A Sesquicentennial History of the Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf (1863-2013)

Louis C. Tuck Oregon School for the Deaf’s 100th Anniversary Issue of the Oregon Outlook pp. 28 Pt1.

American Annals of the Deaf,” edited by Edward Allen Fay, Volume L, 1905, Jonathan Lovejoy Noyes, pp. 494-502

Wetzel, Marsha

Wirth, Roberto

Meet Roberto Wirth, the deaf hotelier

Notable Staff and Teachers

Notable Staff and Teachers


Barnard, Dr. Frederick A. P.
“A History of the First Half-Century of the National Academy of Sciences 1863-1913” Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard and General John Gross Barnard by Frederick William True, pp. 116-118.


“Fighting in the Shadows – Untold Stories of Deaf People in the Civil War,” by Harry G. Lang, Frederick Augustus Porter Barnard, pp. 4-5.


“Biographical Dictionary of the United States Army,” 1900, Volume 1, pp.192-193.


Bartlett, David Ely
” Early Advocates of Music Education for the Hearing Impaired: William Wolcott Turner and David Ely Bartlett,”
by Alice-Ann Darrow and George N. Heller, Vol. 33, No. 4, (Winter, 1985) pp. 269-279.


“American Annals of the Deaf” by John R. Keep, Vol. 25, No. 1, (January 1889), David Ely Bartlett, pp. 53-67.


“Histories of American Schools for the Deaf, 1817-1893” By Edward Allen Fay, Volume III, Mr. Bartlett’s Family School for Young Deaf-Mute Children – 1852-1861, pp. 2-8.


Bonham, Guy Leslie
“The America Era,” Volume XXIX, October 1942, Number 1, Guy Leslie Bonham, by
Gordon W. Clarke, pp. 7 and 10.


Brown, Anna M. (Marnock)
Joan Alexander, a member of the Glover Historical Society, helped Jodi Baker’s 4th-grade class students of the Glover Community School, Glover, Vermont, how to research the StoryKeepers” project about Anna M. Marnock. Joan Alexander went to Cogswell Heritage House for any information about Anna. Natalie Kinsey-Warnock is a children’s author who decided to write a new book about the life of Anna M. Marnock).
“Glover History – Providing for the Future, Remembering the Past,” Anna M. Marnock (1870-1948) The story of a Glover girl who became deaf, pp. 4-5


Bull, Rev. John Catlin
“American Annals of the Deaf,” edited by Edward Allen Fay, Volume 25, No. 4, October 1880,


John Catlin Bull by Rev. William B. Clarke, M.A., Griswold, Connecticut, pp. 276-288


“Record of the Graduate Members of the Class of 1849, of Yale College, 1849 to 1894” by Yale


University Class of 1849, John Catlin Bull, pp. 36-37.


“Obituary Record of Graduates of Yale College,” June 1881, 1849 – John Catlin Bull, p. 33.


Byrtus, Alojzy M. E.
“The American Alumni Newsletter” Al Byrtus’s History by Raymond Triebert, Volume 10, Spring 1986, Number 2, pp. 17.


Camp, Rev. Henry Bates
“American Annals of the Deaf,” Vol. 26, No. 1, January 1881, Biographical Sketch of Henry Bates Camp by Rev. A. C. Baldwin, 59-63.


Clark, Abel S.

“Bulletin of Yale University; Obituary Record of Yale Graduates 1917-1918”, Fifteen Series No. 5, February 1919, Abel Stanton Clark, B.A. 1867, pp. 609-610.


“A Primer of English and American Literature” by Abel S. Clark, published by the American School for the Deaf.


“Best Methods of Teaching Articulation to Deaf-Mutes” by Abel S. Clark.


“Biographies of Graduates of Yale College, Class of 1867”, pages 65-69


Cooke, Jr., Oliver Dudley
“The Deaf-Mutes Journal”


Derby, Ira Homer
“History of the Descendants of John Whitman of Weymouth, Mass.” by Charles H. Farnum, A.M., 1889, Fifth Generation, Derby (6877-6891), pp. 471 and 472.

“The History of of the First School for Deaf-Mutes of America. How They are Educated, and How The Alphabets are invented and Introduced into Use. ” by Ira H. Derby, 1880.

“The Education of Deaf Mutes: Shall It be by Signs or Articulation?” by Gardiner Greene Hubbard of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1867, Education of Deaf Mutes, Ira H. Derby, pp13 and 15.


Dunn, Marie E. (Pelser)
“The America Era,” Number 4, Volume LIX, March-April 1973, Marie Dunn by Caroline Halberg,
p. 59-60.


Durian, Walter Goreth
Gallaudet University Archives – Gilbert Eastman, manuscripts “The American Era,” Volume XLV,
May-June 1959, Number 8, Walter Goreth Durian – an Appreciation,
by Loy E. Golladay, pp.91-92.


Gallaudet, Edward Miner
“History of the College for the Deaf, 1857-1907” by Edward M. Gallaudet, Part Five.


“Preparing for the Future, 1887-1907”, pp. 191


Gallaudet, Dr. Thomas Hopkins
“Tribute to Gallaudet-A Discourse in Commemoration of the Life, Character, and Services, of the Rev.Thomas H. Gallaudet, LL.D.-Delivered Before the Citizens of Hartford, Jan. 7th, 1852, With an Appendix, Containing History of Deaf-Mute instruction and Institutions, and other Documents”, by Henry Barnard (1852).


“Historical Register of Yale University, 1701-1937”, by Lottie G. Bishop (1939).


“Voice of the Deaf: a biography of Edward Miner Gallaudet,” by Maxine Tull Boatner (1959).


“Booth’s reminiscences of Gallaudet” by Edwin Booth (1881)


“The Edwardsean Soteriology of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet” by Nathan Chang (2010)


“Life of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet-Founder of Deaf-Mute Instruction in America” by Edward Miner Gallaudet (1888).


“On the Natural Language of Signs, and Its Values and Uses in the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb,” “American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb,” .by Thomas H. Gallaudet (1847).


“Deaf Heritage-A Narrative History of Deaf America” by Jack Gannon (1981).


“The Life and Labors of the Rev. T. H. Gallaudet, LL.D.,” by Heman Humphrey (1857).


“Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet,” by Isaac Lewis Peet (1888)


“The Life and Times of T. H. Gallaudet” by Edna Edith Sayers, 2018.


Golladay, Dr. Loy E.
“The Deaf Life” magazine honored him per an article in


“Gallaudet Today,” February 2000, p.2; New Horizons, Fall-Winter 1999, p.4.


Rochester Information of Technology, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester, N.Y.


Halberg, David H.
Harry G. Lang, Oscar P. Cohen and Joseph E. Fischgrund “Moments of Truth: Robert R. Davila, the Story of a Deaf Leader” – David Halberg pp. 46-47 and “The Buff and Blue,” Gallaudet College newspaper, by Editor-in-Chief Bernard N. Bragg, February/March 1952, “Halberg Elected President of SBG,” Vol. LXI,
Number 5, pp. 1.


“Language, Culture, Communities: 200 Years of Impact by the American School for the Deaf”, by David Halberg, pp. 98.


Jayne, Alma I. (Chadwick)
“The American Era,” By Edmund Cassetti and Mrs. D. W. Dedrick, Number 3, Volume 71, January-February 1984, Alma Jayne, pp. 50.


Keep, Rev. John Robinson
His son, Dr. Robert Porter Keep, took charge of Miss Porter’s School, a college preparatory for Girls, in 1903. Miss Porter’s school was founded in 1844 by his aunt, Sarah Porter, and one year later, he died. The notable graduates of the Miss Porter’s School were the U.S. First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, U.S. ambassador to UNESCO, Analisa N. Torres, Judge of the New York City, Ariane de Vogue, and others.


“The American Annals of the Deaf,” Vol. XXX, No. 1, January 1885, John Robinson Keep by Abel S. Clark, M.A., Instructor in the American Asylum, Hartford, CT, pp. 34-44.


Kennedy, Colonel Henry
“Commemorative Biographical Record of Hartford County, Connecticut: containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, and Many of the Early Settled Families,” Volume 1, edited by J. H. Beers & Co., 1901, Colonel Henry Kennedy, pp. 36-37.


Kilpatrick, Walter Melville
“The class of sixty-one: the University of Michigan and something about what “the Boys” have been doing during FORTY YEARS from 1861 to 1901″, compiled by Henry M. Utley and Byron M. Cutcheon, 1902, Daniel Kilpatrick, pp. 204-205.


“American Annals of the Deaf,” Volume LVI, No. 5, November 1911, “The Sign Language in Business,” By Walter M. Kilpatrick, pp. 468-471 and Vol. 59, No. 4, September 1914, “The Binet-Simon Tests and the Establishment of Age and Class Year Norms” pp. 394-398.


“Address and Proceedings of the Fifty-Fourth Annual Meeting – National Education Association of the United States,” Volume LIV, July 1-8, 1916, Department of Special Education, “The Partner Tests,” by Walter M. Kilpatrick, ASD, pp. 841-842.


“Education Bulletin,” Volume III, November 1916, No. 3, School for the Deaf, Walter M. Kilpatrick, pp. 7.


Mann, Chester Q.
“Representative Deaf Persons of the United States,” by James E. Gallaher, Second Edition, Chester Q. Mann, pp. 188-189.


Mann, Mary A.
“The Transatlantic World of Higher Education” by Anja Werner pp. 98.


Marsh, Sr., Jonathan P.
“American Era,” Fall 2017, from the CHH Archives… The Magic of Research, “Vermont Students Discover Century-Old Connection to ASD,” Anna Marnock, pp. 23.

“Adventures of a Deaf-Mute – The old Man of the Mountain,” by William B. Sweet, published in Boston Deaf-Mutes’ Mission, Library Room, 1874, pp. 3 and 49.
The Boston Deaf-Mute Christian Association,” Incorporated in 1866, Printed by Gribben & Kiley, 1868.


McChord, Jr., Willmott Winfield
“The Chain of Love,” by Betty A. Young, Willmott W. McChord, pp. 1999-2005



Noyes, Rev. Jonathan L.

“American Annals of the Deaf,” by Edward Allen Fay, Vol. L, No. 5, November 1905, Jonathan Lovejoy Noyes, pp. 495-502.




Rae, Rev. Luzerne
“Cyclopaedia of American Biography,” edited by James Grant Wilson and John Fiske,
Vol. V, Pickering-Sumter, “Rae”, pp. 158-159.


“Biographical Notices of Graduates of Yale College” (including those who graduated in classes later than 1815, who were not commemorated in the annual obituary records), by Franklin Bowditch Dexter, Litt, D., New Haven 1913, “Luzerne Rae,” pp. 226.


Rakow, Jules P., and Lillian G.
“A Biographical Dictionary Deaf Persons in the Arts and Sciences,” by Harry G. Lang and
Bonnie Meath-Lang, Jules Pierre Rakow, pp. 303-304.


“The Silent Worker,” September 1949, Jules Pierre Rakow by Gordon W. Clarke. pp. 3.


Rogers, David S.
“Representative Deaf Persons of the United States of American Containing Portraits and Character Sketches of Prominent Deaf Persons Commonly called Deaf-Mutes


Rowe, Samuel
“The People of the Eye – Deaf Ethnicity and Ancestry,” by Harlan Lane, Richard C. Pillard, and Ulf Hedberg, The Curtis-Rowe Clan, pp. 151-160.

“A Missionary Chronicle – Being A History of the Ministry to the Deaf in The Episcopal Church (1850-1980)” by Otto B. Berg, Deaf Evangelist, p. 21.

“Massachusetts Bureau of Transportation Planning and Development,” 1967, Boxford, MA, pp. 15.

“The Christian Union,” Vol. XVII, No. 10, New York, March 6, 1878, Col. 1, At Home -Samuel Rowe, pp. 203.

The history of Boxford, Essex County, Massachusetts, from the earliest settlement known to the present time of a period of about two hundred and thirty years, “History of Boxford,” pp. 342.


Stone, Rev. Collins
“The Chains of Love” by Betty A. Young, Rev. Collins Stone, pp. 148-153


Stone, Edward Collins

“The Chains of Love” by Betty A. Young, Rev. Collins Stone, pp. 148-153


Sparks, Fred L.
“The Deaf American,” National Magazine for all the Deaf, October 1966, p. 5


“The Segregated Georgia School for the Deaf 1882-1975”, Ron Knorr, Ph.D., and Clemmie Whatley,
Ph.D., Fred Sparks, p. 88


Sutton, Hon. William Henry



Sweet, Caroline S.
“American Annals of the Deaf, Volume XLVL, No. 4, September 1901, Caroline C. Sweet by Job Williams, pp.417-420.


Turberville II, George R. L.
“Salona, Fairfax County, Virginia” by Ellen Anderson, Salona and the Maffitts II, William C. Woodbridge, p. 9-10


Turner, Rev. Job
“Deaf Heritage A Narrative History of Deaf America” by Jack R. Gannon, Job Turner, p. 68
“A Missionary Chronicle – Being A History of the Ministry to the Deaf in the Episcopal Church (1850-1980) by Otto B. Berg, Deaf Men Ordained to the Priesthood of the Episcopal Church, pp. 261.


Tyler, Rev. Joseph Dennie
Dr. Lewis W. Chamberlayne of Richmond (for the Deaf) and Rev. William Swan Plumber of Petersburg (for the Blind) worked together and won (1839). Dr. Chamberlayne had two deaf sons. (Source: Mr. Bass). These two men were most active in getting the General Assembly of 1839 to pass the bill to establish the Deaf and the Blind school. Finally, on March 31, 1838, the General Assembly passed the bill, and VSDB was born.
Abby Maria Hemenway, “The Vermont Historical Gazetteer: A Local History of All The Towns in the State, Civil, Educational, Biographical, Religious and Military” Vol. V., Rev. Joseph D. Tyler pp. 105-107.Lucius


Weidenmann, Jacob
“Jacob Weidenmann, Pioneer Landscape Architect” by Rudy J. Favretti, pp. 58-59. His landscape architect book and rare drafting table are displayed in the Cogswell Heritage Museum at ASD.
Who are engaged in the Higher Pursuits of Life,” edited by James E. Gallaher, Kansas, David S. Rogers, pp. 73-74.


Weld, Rev. Lewis
“The Chain of Love,” by Betty A. Young, Lewis Weld, pp. 136-143.

“American Annals of the Deaf and Dumb,” Vol. 6, No. 3, April 1854, Biographical Notice of Lewis Weld, Esq., Late Principal of the American Asylum”, by William W. Turner, pp. 184-192


Wheeler, Frank R.
“The Chain of Love,” by Betty A. Young, Frank Wheeler, pp. 160-171.

“The Deaf-Mutes’ Journal,” Volume XLVI, July 12, 1917, Number 28, Gallaudet College Alumni Association, by A. B. G., col. 6, pp. 1.




White, Jr., Henry Cheney

“The Utah Eagle” Compiled & Written by Jodi B. Kinner, February 1922




Biographies of Prominent Utah Deaf Men: “Henry C. White” Compiled & Written by Jodi B. Kinner, 2012


The Deaf-Mutes Journal, January 19, 1922, Chicago pp. 2, col. 2 and Ohio pp. 3, col. 5.


Wing, George

“Histories of American Schools for the Deaf, 1817-1893,” by Volta Bureau and Edward Allen Fay, Volume 2, Wing’s Symbols, pp. 63-64


Woodbridge, Rev. Willam C. 
“Salona, Fairfax County Virginia” by Ellen Anderson, pp. 10.

“American Annals of Education and Instruction, for the Year 1831” Edited by William C.Woodbridge,

“Being a Continuation of the American Journal of Education, Comprising also the numbers from August to December 1830”, Article VI

“Deaf and Dumb Institutions” – Fourteenth Report of the Directors of the American Asylum at Hartford, pp. 85-88.

“The American State Normal School: An Instrument of Great Good” by Christine A. Ogren of Iowa City, Iowa.

“To Awaken the Conscience”: Establishing Teacher Education and State Normal Schools,” pp. 14-15.


Woodruff, Lucius H. 
“Biographical and Historical Record” by Yale University. Class of 1835



Cogswell, Alice
A Study of Alice Cogswell, Sarah-Jane Smalls, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017


The Chain of Love, Betty A. Young & David Halberg, P & S Service Company, 1997


Beecher, Catharine E., Reminiscences, Christian Keepsake, 1848, p. 67
(Tribute to Gallaudet, Henry Barnard, Applewood’s Education Series, 1852)


The Life and Times of T. H. Gallaudet, Edna Edith Sayers, University Press of New England, 2018


When The Mind Hears, A History of the Deaf, Harlan Lane, Random House, 1984


Story of the Ten Benefactors
Language, Culture, Communities: 200 Years of Impact by the American School for the Deaf, American School for the Deaf, April 2017


Life of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, Edward Minor Gallaudet, Henry Holt & Co, New York, 1888


Cogswell, Mason Fitch
Edward R. Lampson, MFC, Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, Vol. 3 No. 1 (Oct, 1930), p. 2 – 9


The Chain of Love, Betty A. Young & David Halberg, P & S Service Company, 1997


When The Mind Hears, A History of the Deaf, Harlan Lane, Random House, 1984


Sigourney, Lydia Huntley

Lydia Sigourney

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