Hall of Fame


Angeline, Anna

Anna Angeline

Class of 1941

Student #3548 – 1998 Athletic Hall of Fame


Anna was built low and stocky but a born natural athlete. She was on the ASD varsity basketball team for five years and captain 1940-1941. Anna knew all the tricks as a forward and was often put in guard against the opponent’s sharpshooter. She was one of Coach Wetherbee’s all-time great players.


Chilvin, Albina

Albina Chilvin (m. Palka)

Class of 1940

Student #3337 – 1998 Athletic Hall of Fame


Albina was a steady, dependable guard against the opponent’s shooters; to block each throw, she had an uncanny skill and inspired her teammates. She was listed as Coach Wetherbee’s all-time great guard and played on ASD girls’ all-time great teams of 1937, 1938, and 1939. Albina captained the 1939 ASD undefeated team.


Hafferty, Edward Joseph

Edward Joseph Hafferty

Class of 1934

Student #3259 – 1998 Athletic Hall of Fame


Edward was the first ASD athlete named All-American (in basketball) when the All-American committee was organized in 1933. His height accounted him as one of the best guards on the ASD basketball team, and he was a leading playmaker. He was a tough and aggressive player on Walter Rockwell’s 1930-1933 football team.


Ryan, Russell

Russell Ryan

Class of 1940

Student #3324 – 1998 Athletic Hall of Fame


Russell was one of the best football centers in ASD history. He played center on varsity football for seven years. In one year, Russell was out of the team due to an injury, and in the five games that followed, none of the other players were as dependable as Russell. He played on two undefeated ASD football teams, 1937 and 1939. He was the captain of the 1939 football team and on Walter Rockwell’s all-time great list. He also played basketball from 1935 thru 1938 and baseball in 1939.



Saboslai, Edward

Edward Saboslai

Class of 1939

Student #3471 – 1998 Athletic Hall of Fame


Edward played fullback on ASD’s 1936, 1937, and 1938 football teams. He was an outstanding fullback on ASD’s 1937 undefeated team as a hard-hitting running back. He was an expert ball handler in basketball and excelled as a guard and forward on the 1936 thru 1939 basketball teams. Edward was one of Coach Rockwell’s all-time picks.



Shimkus, Charles

Charles Shimkus

Class of 1941

Student #3457 – 1998 Athletic Hall of Fame


pint in whatever he participated. He played quarterback and halfback in 1937 – 1940; on two great undefeated football teams (1937 and 1939) and co-Charles was nicknamed the “half-pint” player because of his tiny stature, but he played a full pint in whatever he participated. He played quarterback and halfback in 1937 – 1940; on two great undefeated football teams (1937 and 1939) and co-captained the 1940 football team. He played forward on the ASD basketball team and was also an outstanding baseball player.


Shirley, Oscar

Oscar Shirley

 ASD Coach – 1998 Athletic Hall of Fame


From his home state of South Carolina, after graduating from Gallaudet College, he came to ASD in 1952 and coached in football, basketball, and baseball from 1952 thru 1966. He was the first to begin the “midget” football program at ASD, which helped develop the kids into outstanding athletes. While coaching boys’ basketball, his team of 1960,1961, and 1963 won the Eastern States Schools for the Deaf tournaments. As for football, his 1960 team was undefeated and voted as the #1 best team in all national deaf schools. He was chosen as the “Coach of the Year” three times in basketball and twice in football. He also coached for the Hartford Deaf Club basketball team. As a coach, he was inducted into the NEAAD Hall of Fame in 1975 and the American Athletic Association of the Deaf (AAAD) Hall of Fame in 1981.


Tartonis, Edward

Edward Tartonis

Class of 1934

Student #3255 – 1998 Athletic Hall of Fame


Edward was one of Rockwell’s all-time picks in football. He played quarterback and halfback and was a leader on the field.  After three years on varsity, Edward captained the 1933 basketball team and was known as a feeder in ASD basketball teamwork. He excelled in track specialized in the high jump, board jump, and pole vault.


Wages, Ronald Henry

Ronald Henry Wages

Class of 1953

Student #3757 – 1998 Athletic Hall of Fame


and weighed 150; his toughness and hustle often sparked ASD to victory with his brilliant flashy running. Ronald was co-captain on the football team in 1951. He had shown his greatness by repeating long touchdowns. His last year, he made 14 touchdowns in six games to tie the record for National Deaf schools and made eight touchdowns in three games to set a record. He closed a memorable football career by scoring four touchdowns at his last game. He was named to the Frat All-American football team in 1952. He also excelled in basketball and baseball. He played good defense at third base for Hartford Deaf Club and was inducted into the NEAAD Hall of Fame in 1988.



Weller, Helen Elise (m. Dardis)

Helen Elise Weller (m. Dardis)

Class of 1950

Student #3710 – 1998 Athletic Hall of Fame


Coach Wetherbee always put Helen as a guard against the opponent’s sharpshooter. With her height, fast footwork, and aggressiveness, Helen was able to block many shots. An expert ball snatcher, Helen, threw the ball over the “line” to ASD forwards. She captained the 1947-1948 and co-captained the 1948-1949 Girls’ basketball team. She also led the Girl’s Cheerleaders from 1947-1950. Helen was also a champion tennis player for ASD.


Hall of Fame Chairperson: Steven Borsotti, ’77

Research Committee Chairperson: Raymond McDevitt, ‘63 

Selection Committee Chairperson: Peter McGee, ‘62

Treasurer: Steven Simmon, ‘85 

Research Committees:

Wilton Johnson, ‘41

Robert LaGier, ‘44

David Halberg, ‘48

Beatrice (Smith) Desrosier, ‘51

Edward Frith, ‘54

David Pires, ‘77

Selection Committees:

Donald Wetzel, ‘46

Helen (Weller) Dardis, ‘50

John Witkoski, ‘50

Gillian (Hall) Ratcliffe, ‘57

David Lawrence, ‘65

Greg Roche, ‘67

Robert Backofen, ‘69

Sandra (Rose) Larson, ‘79

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